Noticed something that bothered me during playthroughs.
First, the Queen. Her attacks do not combine and have a dodge pattern of 1 action per instance. Which makes it look easy at the part of the adventurer, even when he didn't face the attack before, at a certain point, he begins to dodge it 100% of the time (if you keep it in a pocket in efforts to surprise him). That's not how it ought to work...
Second, the Adventurer. I noticed that he defies one of the core points of a Souls-like design - each action a player makes must have a recovery window, the one opponents use to punish said action. In this game, the "hero" is able to cut the attack animation right into defence, making thought-out moves futile and painfully reducing the depth of combat. The only action the hero cannot cancel into another is jump, which he does sometimes in attack, and this move is comparatively rare.
This combination of inability to employ player skill in combat, combined with an opponent having only 1 window you can punish makes the fight obnoxious and unenjoyable for a veteran souls-player.