Nothing will allow me to open this file due to everything detecting it as a Trojan virus. Please err on the side of caution, if this is a game that you've struggled and spent time making, maybe try and see why it's being detected like this. I can't recommend downloading this title until said issue is fixed.
It's not my job to sort out any tech related issues of course, but I do see false positives quite a bit when it comes to indie games. Even Ren'Py games get detected as false positives by some very aggressive anti-virus softwares.
The file is an installer for a game made in the Game Maker engine and my anti-virus (Avast) didn't detect anything. What might have thrown off your anti-viruses is that it's an installer and not the actual raw files.
If this weren't the in-house Gamer Maker installer I personally wouldn't have played the game either, so I recommend the author to not use the installer or also add the option to download the files directly.
The game was made on the old GameMaker version 1.4, I will switch to GameMaker 2 soon and hope that this will magically fix the issue, because I have no idea why it detects it as a Trojan virus. For now, I will upload the game files as well, to let the people decide what to download. Hope this fixes it for you.