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omg that was sooo cool, i cant wait for the full game! ill probably play for every ending when it comes out! and the blood god IS hot, lol. any idea when it'll come out?

and i loved the artwork too, most visual novels have bad artwork but yours was really great. XD Im really hoping to see more of the blood god too. Like maybe a secret route for him? XD

Hello, hello!!! OwO
Aaaaahhhh, so happy that you liked the demo so much!!! ;w;
Unfortunately due to the busy schedule of our writers the game's release date has been delayed and I am uncertain when we will be able to release ;;
ANd ehehehehe, yus, isn't Blood God just the hottest? XD
Thanks thanks!! O///u///O
I am so glad that you enjoyed my art an think it's good X3
And yes, no worries at all! Blood God does have his own route! :D
Thank you so much for your support!!!
Although it may take a while to come out, please keep this game in mind <3