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Usually not a fan of popular guys, or nice guys, but I will concede that this one is cute.

The mc is cute too.
I've never understood the concept of being nervous for a date. There's just so many other things to focus on --specifically the guy (or girl) you're on a date with, and maybe things you need to fix for it (like convince the restaurant to let you set up the table in advance with their favorite flowers and such, unless they take care of that headache for you).
It looks uncomfortable, but cute.

A boring park. lol
I thought it would be an amusement park. 😂

I'd love to see a bit more choices.
Specifically ones that impact the story.
You never actually get a choice at the pivotal moment.
Like when he's actually asking you a question like if you want to go on a date or be a friend and so on.
(Even if saying no would lead to an end because the creator don't have time to create multiple pathways, it'd still be better than no choice.)

I'm VERY happy that the game specifies that the mc have an anxiety problem.
Because it means that her worrying and anxiety is there for a reason --and not because she's an idiot who worry over things that there is no point worrying about (in my opinion.)
Anxiety disorders doesn't listen to logic. Healthy people can. And thus should. (Again; in my opinion.)
It makes me less annoyed at the mc when she has a good reason for behaving like she does. ^_^

You can't even choose your own interests. >_>
Although there are some choices after that one, which is nice.
(Tho the language thing threw me off the loop because I speak 2 languages fluently, and two others on a minor conversation level, and one more well enough to find my way in a grocery store. lol
....and she actually -likes- her brother. Instead of considering him a pest. >_>
The mc is just too different from me to really connect with her because of the lacks of choices.)

.....kind, brave and considerate... Name 3 words that do NOT fit me even a little.

So...SO weird character to play.

Awww.... Liev is super-sweet after he calls you that tho! ^_^ of course the mc doesn't appreciate it. *sigh*

Weird, Weird MC....
....she's being so mean to him too. *pouts*
Poor Liev.

I like Liev more and more as the game goes on. ^_^
Wasn't a super-fan at first, but he improves.

He's a little blunt and over-the-top, but I'm guessing that's because the creator has not yet mastered subtlety in writing.
It's not an easy skill to master tho, so I get it.

He's very sweet and cunning --but a bit TOO honest and open.
He's not very smart.

Note to the creator: PLEASE watch Brandon McNulty's youtube video on good dialogue vs bad dialogue. Please. ^_^;

(Or, as parents like to say; "Some things you keep inside your head, and don't tell people."
And instead show hints of it in the person's actions, rather than state it outright.)

He's as subtle as a sledgehammer.

And of course the ONLY choice you get is whether to lie or not.
You never get a choice to actually accept him for the sweet and wonderful (somewhat homicidal) darling he is... *sigh*

Aww.... Liev is so adorable~ ❤️

The mc, on the other hand, I want to wack over the head with a baseball bat. 😒
She's even bitching about how her date pays for everything ON A DATE!!!
Sheezh louise! It's perfectly normal for the dominant person to pay on a date, and he's rich to boot.

*shakes my head* The mc is so useless...
I feel like she picked up a puppydog from the pond, watch it run around and nip at her feet and tug at her clothes, and instead of actually teaching it what to do she runs away crying. 😒

Oooh~ And Liev is so strong and protective too. ^_^
...well, okay. The knife is strong. Same difference. lol

Of course the mc doesn't apriciate it, and you get zero choice on how to react.
Again. 😒

Speaking as someone who's studied both psychology and writing;
The writer need some serious practise with both.
Everything with Liev is so... over-the-top.
It's not even scary, because it becomes comical when it's exaggerated so much.

(At this point he is, for some unfathomable reason, laughing like the Joker.
Which makes no sense what-so-ever. Especially for someone who usually don't feel much at all. Which again makes no sense for a yandere, who tends to feel too much...)

Aww... I got the happy ending. ^_^
...I choose to believe the mc was crying because she was so happy. 

If these games had an mc capable of emotions, I'd almost pity the ones I play.

But I will say I am impressed at the creator of this game for having him use kidnapping as a last resort only. That's very realistic, and a sad rarity. ^_^

And even in that scene Liev is super-sweet. ❤️
(You did kinda bring it on yourself too, so I don't blame him -very- much for it.
I'm sure he'll let you go when he can trust that you won't run away.)

He's sweet right to the bitter end. ^_^

Despite my nitpicking, I really did enjoy the game.

It could benefit from a bit polishing --writing wise, and most problems I have with it could be fixed with giving the readers choices on how to react.

But overall it is a good game.

Deleted 32 days ago