I wrote a short story about the spooky furnace screenshots that I took.
Edit: Just had to figure out the formatting here so I can make it look decent.
Cosmic Reach - The Hunger of the Furnace

After having scraped the resources off of the walls of yet another cave, I returned to the surface, only to find that it was pitch black outside. "Eh, whatever." I said before conveniently teleporting back to my house at the click of a button. Setting foot into the damp darkness of my basement, I began prepping for another trip to the caves.
I stowed away my entire inventory of goods whilst rummaging through each of my crates, eventually finding out that I had no more stone tools in stock. More rummaging ensued, attempting to quickly look through the crates for sticks and basalt while my head occasionally decides to look towards a different direction for some reason. However, the beast that oversees the stocked goods, the Furnace Monster, let out a growl, and flared its eyes that were fixated upon me.
"FEED... ME..." said the Furnace Monster, its deep voice echoing within the confines of the brick walls. "I've not enough wood for you." I replied. "It is of a rather tedious task to chop down enough trees to satisfy your hunger." The Furnace Monster's eyes flared brighter, illuminating the darkness that obscures the basement's layout. The stony furnace beast was not happy.
"I.. AM... HUNGRY!.." said the Furnace Monster, with its angry voice shaking the brick walls. "GIVE... ME... WOOD... NOW!.." After catering to the furnace beast for several years, this monster is trying my patience. The more it demanded wood from me, the more it made my blood boil, fueling the growing seeds of rage deep within me.
Ignoring the beast's orders, I began crafting more stone tools, having not the time to deal with its constant bellyaching. The Furnace Monster grew enraged, and it growled before letting out a huge roar that broke a few blocks, a couple vertical slabs, and even breaking a crate that was filled with neatly organized goods. "FEED... ME... NOOOOOWWWW!!!"
Upon turning to face the Furnace Monster, I saw the mess of items strewn about the basement floor, and the sight of it all caused the fiery storm of rage within me to explode into a supernova of anger, and the rush of adrenaline that coursed through my veins turned me into a nightmare force of reckoning far greater than the Furnace Monster could ever hope to be.
Staring deeply into the eyes of the Furnace Monster, I said unto it in a stern voice "I was kind enough to care for you all these years, giving you the comfort and warmth of my shelter when you sought me out for protection from the swarm of Interceptors." And I continued, saying "I even went the extra mile to gather the leaf blocks and feed them to you, I wanted to ensure that you were happy and full."
Regardless of my words, the Furnace Monster cared not, and it only kept its angry glowing red eyes fixated upon me in a futile attempt to intimidate me. I stood my ground and returned the roar, saying "Your unending hunger leaves me with nothing left to work with, constantly depleting my entire stock of wood and leaf blocks!" I continued, saying "And without a fuel source, I have nothing left to smelt ores, which prevents me from crafting better tools! How can I gather more stacks of wood when you are constantly burning through all of my resources?!"
The stony furnace beast roared once more, its eyes glowed much brighter and began to spout fire, and the threatening display of aggression had shown that it was preparing to attack. The Furnace Monster, having been such a good friend of mine for so many years, has now become a hostile enemy, launching its first attack upon me.
It grabbed me with its ghostly hands and pulled me towards its face before opening its mouth, revealing the brightly smoldering hot light of the lava within its stomach. Before I even had a chance to break free from the Furnace Monster's grip, it chucked me right into the searing hot pool of lava, inflicting an incredibly high amount of damage that took my life before presenting me with two options to choose from.
But little did the Furnace Monster know that I had quickly chucked an entire stack of C4 blocks into the smoldering hot air right before my unfortunate demise, causing an explosion so great that the fabric of reality froze and became partially unstable. I clicked on the Respawn button a few times, but the world was struggling to keep up, forcing me to be patient and let it calculate the entire aftermath.
It took a minute before the world finally caught up, and upon respawning in the house, I was greeted to the constant sounds of explosions coming from within the basement. I snickered, hearing the seemingly endless explosions coming from the same spot below. It took a good 3 minutes for the explosions to stop, and when I walked down into the basement to check out the aftermath, I busted out in laughter, I was in tears from what I was seeing!
An entire stack of C4 blocks exploding in the same spot had created an empty sphere with the exact same radius that a single block of C4 would make! Oh the nonsensical nature of it all, it felt like watching a good comedy unfold before my eyes, and honestly, I needed a good laugh! Seeing the empty spherical chunk that had consumed a bit of my basement, I giggled a little and shook my head, saying "Oh you silly Furnace Monster, you forgot that this world is still in version 3.19 pre-alpha, didn't you?"
I shrugged and said "Well, you'll just have to be a bit more patient before I can gather stacks of wood and leaf blocks more efficiently!" Despite the silliness of the recent chain of events, the world continued on without the Furnace Monster constantly nagging me for wood, and I was once again back to mining for ores, and punching Interceptors to get free blocks.
This is the chaos that I live for. This is Cosmic Reach.