The game makes me want to save up for elf-ear surgery. lol
(It's a long recovery period tho. But this one guy does an amazing job.)
...I hope the rumors of the dark prince charming is true~ ^_^
I love villains a little too much too be healthy.
How curious to hear him say the Fae cannot love.
Folklore says differently. They even have married humans.
But considering he is of the Unseelie, this too makes sense.
They are not known to be loving. Not in the way humans are at least.
Perhaps in the way a yandere would be. The dark and dangerous kind.
The language in this story is beautiful and poetic. It makes the night and Fae come alive, in a way few other stories manage.
There is a dreamy quality to it as well. Well suited for a story about the Fae.
The artwork is simple, but beautiful.
It invokes a fae dream experience very beautifully.
Especially the night pond.
Not a fan of the vampire leader's looks.
It's a bit dull. Like taken from a certain unmentionable teen novel.
I almost expect to see him sparkle. *wrinkles my nose*
The one bad spot on an otherwise amazing story thus far.
And the Nightmare Prince more than make up for it.
I quite like the Nightmare Prince. ^_^
I'll keep my fingers crossed that he lives up to his reputation.
Not a fan of the werewolf leader. But then again; I never cared much for them. So that is not a criticism. He looks as he should.
Astoria is far to free to give out her name.
Is it not her true name?
Actually...that would make a lot of sense.
If you know someone's true name, you have power over them.
Especially a Fae.
I DO wish I could choose who she finds attractive tho.
Cuz the werewolf? Bleh!
(I understand the vampire, his magic can stir up emotions you have to shut down with a strong will. But the werewolf? Not even a little good-looking.
Not in my book at least.
I prefer the beautiful Nightmare Prince.
And I'd be hard pressed to say if it is his beauty, his reputation, or his behavior that make it so.)
Is it intentional that Rhistel asks how your 'day' went, instead of your night?Although Adean slipped up too.
You may wanna set a beta-reader on that.
If you want to polish this diamond of a story to a shine, I'd love to see some extra-nice artwork here and there.
(Like when Aiden lounge on his throne. ^_^ )
I wonder how she learned to lie...surrounded by people who barely even knew the concept. Much less how to.
Are lies in human nature? Or taught?
How strangely attached Astora is to the concept of kindness as necessary for a relationship, familiar or otherwise. If the person treats you well, does it matter why they do it? If them using you ensures you grow up happy, why does the motive matter? this one of those human things I simply fail to grasp?
I also do not understand the need to trust someone to love them.
Or fear the pain of heartbreak --especially if you've never felt it before.
(The last part may be my masochistic side speaking, however. I realize that most humans shy away from pain, even mental pain...which always seemed harmless to me, however painful it was. It can't kill you after all. Nor harm your body.)
Awww..... I didn't get the choice to keep the collar... *Pouts*
I mean... knowing who held the leash at that time... I found it beneficial to keep, really. I wish there was a choice. *sigh*
I'm trying to avoid spoilers here, so spoilers below, but it must be the creator at least:
I am surprised you didn't claim your name.
I half expected you to get a choice to claim it, or keep your Fae name.
The act would have changed your very nature.
For better or worse.
(I admit I also thought you had been fathered by a Fae, in which case the name would have unlocked your heritage.
And I thought the leash was bound by your name, which would explain the re-naming. But I admit the story version do make a lot of sense, except it doesn't explain why she renamed you. Unless someone else could have bound you by your true name.)
A truly beautiful game!!
And one of my new favorites.
Will it be available on Steam?
I REALLY want to add it to my collection there. ^_^
It's well worth paying for such a wonderful game.