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Love of Magic

An adult game about romance, magic and poker. · By droid productions

The Start

A topic by Eluveitie created Feb 02, 2020 Views: 455 Replies: 12
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(1 edit)

Hello, im stuck in the first part of the game, after i talk to the  chloe (our mums friend) i cant progress further, i try to talk to her, and click on her, nothing happens, can anyone help me?


That's really weird. I've seen this one once before, but it was never clear how it happened. Could you get me your savegame? It should be in this folder:
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Droid Productions\Love of Magic
Just zip up that entire folder, and I'll check it out.

Hello this is the download file: Hope it'll be helpful


Thanks, will check it out!


That's weird. Loading your savegame gets me here. Click on the bed icon on the bottom right to proceed. Is the icon not showing up on your side?

No, I'm afraid not. There is no button there.

I think I'll try to delete and re-download the game,  from a different source. Maybe the site had some files missin or something like that, idk.


Try the latest download from here. If it still gives you problems, let me know, and I'll get you a debug build

Nope, still same :(


If you mouse-over the girl, does she have a bit of a 'pop' animation? Can you click on her?

yes there is an animation, but the clicking does nothing, like the left click function doesnt work on the mouse.


Latest Beta build for Act III is here:!OupwRKwb!PD7yVx2GIUdThufWfF3tzj4youu_BT9PZsLL8BLdQuw

If that's not working, could you get me the savegame folder, and I'll see what's happening.


Also: I played your savegame, and progressed to the next dialog: could you see if that works?!n6xDVZpK!nF0eiMN2sMqbc_e9isFh5NWtI7Ti4HOZx5Gdiadg3zU