Devlog 05 - Animaitions, Bloom Effect, Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering
After last updates I've started with a bit easier features and those were the Antialiasing and the Anisotropic filtering. These were 2 really easy to implement features, but they can make a really big difference. After that I've also added a way to change the brightness and the contrast of the game. This will be later adjustable by the player
After that I created a way to use specular maps on objects. With the help of these images I can make look only parts of the objects shiny. As you can see, the left barrel doesn't use a specular map and the whole barrel is really shiny. The right one uses a specular map that makes it shinier on the metal parts of it's texture, so you can see that the middle of the barrel is a lot less shiny.
I've also implemented a similar function for making the bloom effect. As you can see, this glowing effect is used with the texture of the lantern on the right side, but on the left side the lantern is just rendered with it's default texture.
The final thing I've added was the most difficult of all the features so far. This is ability to add animations to the models. As you can see in the video, the player model has 2 animations. The idle (breathing) and the running animation. The hardest part in the animations was that the tutorial I've been following is 5-6 years old and the .dae file format exported from blender has changed a bit. So first of all I had to make the file loader able to load both, the old and the new format, able to load. After that I had to make all the light related stuff again, but this time for the animated model rendering and I've also added a way to add normal maps to the animated models and also the specular and glow map if needed.
As always, thanks for reading and feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section. See you next time!