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you need to put your holster in the Update event, it’s acting chunky on rotations. But other wise great work!


Yes; this is a bit strange at the moment. I was struggling where to put the update. When I linked it to the head rotation it was bad because it rotated away when you were looking at your tools. As a compromise I chose in this version to orient it when a "step" was taken... I hope I find a better solution soon.

Good attempt for a good idea through! I just found another glitch, I placed objects in the crafting tables and broke the block under it. I did not expect this!

Also idk if it’s my controller, but I keep moving slowly in one direction. I hope this was also helpful!

Thank you for reporting this! The issue is that I don't recheck after mining of a voxel if the state depending on the voxel is still valid. A similar issue is that you can mine the voxel you are gripping during climbing and the grip will still be there even when the voxel is gone. I will try to fix this in an upcoming update; but probably not in the next one as this will require some change in my logic on how I create/remove these things.