Thank you! We love this game!
It isn't very long and doesn't introduce complex mechanics, but it is still very charming. glgrd especially loves the part where he hangs out with goofy little friends (and playing the game in non-intended ways)
I love your renditions for both glgrd, his new hat and his new frens. It seems that you DID found out who I am before the Jam ended (Hopefully the craps I made didn't pollute your mind 🫨) and even added a minion from the past into an ally in this game as a surprise 😍. I also love the detail of how every character has different singing voice, and how glgrd has the deepest voice among all. Really gives him the vibe of a cool, wise uncle.
Fun fact: When I first started playing the game, I thought it was supposed to be a 2.5D platformer instead of a 3D one and was wondering how to get past the first gap. glgrd literally considered how you might be mocking how short and weak his tiny noodle legs are 🥴
The following quote was typed by glgrd using my hands:
I wish I was the imaginary friend of you, instead of this mf who always procrastinate on what he wants to do (jk
(yeah he can be pretty harsh on me sometimes, but that's because he knows i have the potential to achieve world domination as long as i want)