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I see!!I think that could work, but I have a couple of questions since I'm a total newbie about all of this and I wanna learn how it works, so hopefully that's alright with you aha 

1. Could you elaborate a little bit more on the "rule of thumb?" 

2. Would scaling up the room mean changing the room dimensions in the room editor? I know there's video tutorials about cameras, so maybe it would be like that (2 cameras - one for the over world and one for the battle sequence?)  

 For real though,  thank you so much Singulo, you're helping me a lot!! I was super worried (and dare I admit, I lost a little bit of sleep trying to figure this out LMAO) so your help is greatly appreciated!_(:'33 


Sorry, rule of thumb is an English phrase that means "in general." Basically when you aren't sure about something, falling back to the "rule of thumb" is generally a good idea. I hope I have explained the phrase accurately.

Yes, scale the room up, and then you can change the camera to fit the change in scale. You could use two cameras maybe. I would just script the camera to zoom in. camera_set_view_size(camera_id, width, height) is a function you can use for that.

Thank you so much Singulo for your help, I greatly appreciate it! One last question, would the camera have it's own object? I know that the script for the camera_set_view can be put into it's create event, and would the blank object just be put into the room? (Sorry, I just wanna make sure I'm doing this right ahaha!)


I'm not sure, sorry. I know the camera can follow a given object, so make sure it's your player's character I guess? Good luck :)