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So another thing that i dont like is that when things are destroyed they are deleted and to rebuild them i have to both remember what i built where and spend what is always the most valuable resource in a game, my APM - actions per minute, my time.

I would like to see things being repaired, perhaps involving trucks.

Walls are really broken atm, they just dont work, they either completely block the entire threat or they shatter instantly like glass.  I think i would prefer them to do a better job of blocking and funneliing enemies but for me to have a requirement to leave the bugs a path to get in and for some types of bugs to be able to climb over or maybe use the walls themselves.

A huge part of the problem with these bug attacks is as i said before how binary it is, they either break through and win or they dont.

Its just a concentrated mass which do loads of damage, like those bomb bugs, they are really not good, they are so powerful but none of it is in a good way.

There is no struggle, no finesse.  All the bugs just go route one for the main base and i know thats the only thing i ever have to defend.

I want to have to defend everything and to be defending against more smaller attacks, perhaps building after a much longer time to one crushing final wave?

I really dont like the mechanic that lets me recover lost purple, it seems like a patch fix to cover a broken core.

I want the outcome to be decided by my planning and the strategic choices made, right now it is decided by how much i abuse the community centre bug but more so it is entirely economic, did i make enough gold to build enough roads to mine enough purple to build enough or any defences to win or not, while i can see that is always going to be a factor it should not be the single deciding factor and all other choices and considerations irrelevant.

Something i did really like was building remote bases but the power tab etc only considers it to be one base and there is no requirement for a sub command centre to build in a remote location or anything like that, I dont have to join up these things.

Maybe i could be shipping minerals by air between pockets of bases with a sea of chaos in between?

I dont know if you ever played the original dune rts game, those were truely awful days for gaming, its extremely painful to go back to it now, but there was one very good thing in it and that was ornithopters, if you had those they would pick up your spice harvesters and take them back to the base but you didnt have to have them it was a boon and that was really awesome.

Actually it was the best thing about the game, building up a fleet of harvesters backed by a smaller amount of ornithopters.

Sandworms are cool.

Im not sure if that fits into what you are doing here or not really but i guess it goes with this idea Im putting forward about securing pockets of the map and intermitant danger being outside which can be further migitated with rare / valueable air lifts out to safety.

I would also like an auto update patcher, right now Im not sure where i am getting my updates from, i guess here but i would have to check and no patch since oct means its going to be a while so i am hoping i dont forget about the game or something?

I use steam a lot, which is probably awful but it keeps thing updated for me? =/