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The idea of the combo is that the higher the combo, the hotter the ball gets. Instead of power use count, there will be a gauge of energy that charges whenever the ball enters into contact will the paddle. The energy collected is proportional to the combo count at that moment. Each power requires an amount of energy to activate. You won't be restricted by using only one power. Still working on how to obtain them before using them with energy though. For the sake of my sanity, you wouldn't be able to use two powers at the time (or maybe yes, let's cross the bridge when we get there).

Maybe. have a different paddle sprite for each possible powerup currently in use. player can circle through them and that's how them choose which power to activate. of course they still need enough energy to do so. also, switching between powers while one is active is a no go.

I'm thinking of implementing:

void update()

{use loop to check if any powerNameOn == true => powerOn ==true;}

  • add more power ups:
    • supernova ball: on click, explode and damage blocks all around
    • plasma force field: ball becomes extremely slow but deploys a field. all blocks in the field lose an hp every x seconds.
    • comet ball: ball speeds up significantly becomes smaller with wider trail but becomes more powerful. (opposite of asteriod which is big and slow)
    • gravity field: to snap the ball back to paddle. the paddle can catch the ball x times before the power wears off (show the paddle some love as well)
    • give the paddle guns because while not. (polarity guns: the paddle has a left gun and a right gun. both need to touch the brick for damage to be inflicted)
    • Solar panel: while active, increases energy bar. stops when full.
    • Wishing Star: lasts only half of default power up time. doubles score ON TOP of power bonus
    • Supercharged ball: capable of breaking unbreakable blocks:give unbreakable blocks hp and phases just for that
    • Alien Intervention: pauses the game and replace the ball anywhere on the screen. once ball is replaced, countdown before resuming. Ball will keep its direction.
  • rename wrecking ball to asteroid
  • rename party time to meteor shower
  • using a new life costs energy

the 12 power ups:

  1. Asteroid, Offensive, power 2, default time
  2. Comet, Offensive, power 2, default time
  3. Meteor Shower,  Offensive, power 1, until one ball is left
  4. Supernova, Offensive, power 4, one time or default time
  5. Plasma Force Field, Offensive, power 1/x seconds, default time (ball itself still has power 1)
  6. Artificial Gravity, Status, double default time or x uses
  7. Polarity beams, Offensive,  power 1 (ball stays one, damage from beam combination is 1), default time
  8. Solar Panel, Status, active till energy ball is full
  9. Wishing Star, Status, half of default time
  10. Supercharged Ball  Offensive,  power 2, default time
  11. Alien Intervention: Status, event
  12. Anti-Matter, Offensive, power --, default time

  • make score leaderboard and credits separate
  • add a name system so that highscores can be tied to names
  • use animators to control paddle and ball appearance
  • make it possible to uses all powers in one game though using two powers at once still is not allowed
  • replace power choice in menu by which power to start with.
    • also, all powers are not readily available, each first-run level contains a special block that unlocks the new  power.
      • However, it doesn't count towards the block count so it is possible the end the level without getting it
      • If I'm gonna be mean, might as well go all the way: destroying a special block with a power doesn't unlock the next power
      • Let's keep going: if the safety net is disabled and you lose, when the stage resets, the power you unlocked is lost as well and you really have to do it again
  • unlocking a power makes it usable for next level. During level transition, decide what to do. player can only carry 3 power ups. choose which to discard. power icons come with  2 bars, how much power they use, and how much damage them do
  • replace paddle/ball physics with friction mechanic
  • when displaying names use gradients corresponding to powers used during the play