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hello my name is Erick I hope you read this message.

I spent almost all the time translating the game, I really loved doing it and it would be great if I published the file in Spanish or spoke by mail
I wait your answer.


Я не очень понял, в чём вопрос. Если есть перевод, я могу его добавить к другим. Напиши мне в discord

thank you really aaaaaa i never thought i could talk to you it's an honor to talk to the creator of fallout equestria
I'm already in the group thank you very much.

by the way I can also draw in digital or help in general I don't know if I have another project in mind if that is the case I would like to help
a and I don't know if I am allowed to publish fallout equestrai in Spanish on a facebook page?

Сколько этажей на фабрике?

Thx for translating

eyup lo traduje al español luego se publicara oficialmente 

OK that is the best Spanish translation I have ever seen 👍👍👍

And can you ask Empalu to make a multiplayer if he/she can


hi excuse me can i see the file you created please

Um.....Can you make a invite friends?