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Deleted 352 days ago

Wow! Thank you for this detailed feedback and also the descriptions. This helps a lot.

The grab gesture is a fist. But the whole hand tracking is still quite shaky and you need to keep your hands always in the tracked area for it to work.

I like the suggestion with the indication for crafting (maybe I will turn the area green if a valid recipe is placed).

Regarding the movement speed. I will play around with maybe some form of acceleration (so the first 2-3 steps are slow and only then it will get faster; this could also help with larger distances without losing the physical nature of the gameplay).

A in game help-screen is a great suggestion. Thanks. And haptic feed will also be added as soon as possible.

For the problem of small spaces I need to see what I can do to improve this. One of the core mechanics in this prototype should be the physical movement needed to do things. So I can't make it too short distance or else it's loosing the purpose. Maybe some optional ingame markers for the guardian locations (showing the guardian always might be a bit immersion breaking i fear)?