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You ever wanted to play through a Saturday morning cartoon? This is surely something for you then. I've only gotten to the point in which I meet Logan but so far it feels exactly like a Saturday morning cartoon, which is certainly no insult! The soundtrack has this Sonic Unleashed feel which is, no matter your opinion of the game, pretty damn good! I enjoy this game a lot! There aren't many choices you make this far into the game unfortunately, but that adds to the cartoon part to it, which certainly is a double edge sword, it can give some serious segments less gravity on the reader, though I'm unsure if there will be any. The skipping of school, and the sped up travel through days give it even more of a Saturday morning cartoon vibe. It is certainly not a bad visual novel by any means, nothing like Minor/Major however, but hey! I'm sure this game won't delete my saves for no reason T-T. And the music actually works! Nice game, though some spelling errors are apparent, along with some grammatical errors. For sure a 4/5 in my book :D.