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I'm not ashamed to admit that I sacrificed sleep and binge played this game in my free time until I finished it (a week (58hrs of gameplay!!!) later).  I also made a full walkthrough for it which you can find here.

I saw Pinlin's reddit post announcing the game release and was immediately blown away by the quality of the artwork and intrigued by the story synopsys. I downloaded Dark Nights as soon as I got home after work and was met with the beautiful opening MV. Going through the prologue, Miyoko's boredom and adventure seeking really resonated with me. Throughout the game, Miyoko proves to be different from the MC's we're used to, she's proactive, feisty, independent, compassionate and has her own personality and character which don't depend on her current LI.

The route order I followed was Sachiro>Zeikun>Kurato>Junoru.

Going into Sachiro's route I thought it was a sacrifice I had to make to learn more about the story, since he was very, very far from my usual type. Boy, was I wrong! I'm not going to spoil anything but I'll say I was more than pleasantly surprised by his route! In fact, it ended up becoming one of my favourites as more of Sachiro personality and story were revealed.

Zeikun's at first outright agressive attitude (and character design) intrigued me straight away. I really enjoyed his story and character developement. Him and Sachiro are tied for the Best Boy title for me.

Kurato's (overly) easy-going nature and interactions with Miyoko were so fun to see. Him and Miyoko were more level with each other than Sachiro or Zeikun. His personality brought a nice variety to the game so far and was like a breath of fresh air.

Straight away during Miyoko's first interaction with Junoru, I knew there was going to be a tragic-er than tragic backstory to be revealed in his route. It was amazing to see this shy, gentle boy come out of his shell as him and Miyoko got closer. The pacing of their relationship developement felt very natural, if not a bit too-familiarly awkward for a friendship blossoming into love. We finally get to know Roya a bit better, too. Junoru's route also has one of my favourite CG's in the game.

Finally, the side characters! 
Ikuya and Lioji were written well, with both of them being reliable friends and support to Miyoko. I'd be interested to see more about Ikuya's brother background from what was hinted at in the game.

I have to admit Kaichi might've stolen my heart the show on a few occasions. His chemistry with Miyoko and their cat and mouse relationship left me wanting more, even if it was in the middle of someone else's (sorry, Sachiro) route. I'm not saying that we need a Kaichi route but we need a Kaichi route...

Chain, even if a bit one-dimensional, provided some serious bad-assery and a bit of comedy relief to the game. His bonus scenes cracked me up!

Jace and Blace were a great addition to the plot especially this late (in regards to this route order) in the game. I found their backstory very interesting and I loved their character design.

Roya... may or may not have redeemed himself by the time I finished the game. Quite a controversial character. I don't know if Pinlin ever considered him becoming a LI, but from the CG's and Sketchbook illustrations, one has to wonder.

Rasumi had a really nice character design but I never found out her end-game besides antagonising Miyoko and all the LIs and well... you'll see when you play the game. 

ALL IN ALL! I enjoyed this game so much! The artworks are insane (and I have to admit to checking out Pinlin's other illustrations and being very humbled by her talent), all the characters are beautifully drawn, the storylines are intriguing and keep you captivated until the very end. The endings, character developement and plot were well executed, too. The side characters were an integral part of the story, which was refreshing. The CG's and bonus content were incredible as well.

Pinlin, I'll say it again, you've done an amazing job! Thank you for creating and sharing Dark Nights with us!