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(1 edit) (+12)

This game has potential, but it has some pretty big flaws. Story and Combat are big ones, but I feel that story is more important  in the long run. The biggest problem is there is basically no pacing or real world building. its hard to get invested in the characters when the world and threat that is being faced has little development outside what is important for the character specifically. Just a little bit of non important world building would really help make the world feal more real and the quest more important. Pacing is another problem as you go from a cruel but mistaken mage that shows how in danger the town is, to not long after finding yourself in the middle of enemy lands with little build up. outside of these, there are other issues too, but they arent as important. 

Hope you don't mind that I looked at your profile. You seem like a smart guy. and I totally agree with your complains, that's why.

Well, I see you are pretty new. Are you interested in other (gay) visual novels? You propably already know about a bunch anyway, but do you know like 50? ;)

Your profile doesn't tell much...