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Here are some things you can do to improve your game after the Game Jam

- The roof tile in the houses can be walked on so in the Tileset setting in the Database make it an X so the player can't walk on the roof.

-Don't have all the characters dialogue all on one event page. Whenever there is a change in that NPC's dialogue use a different Event Page so you don't repeat dialogue.

- When you interact with the crystal after you defeat the Fairy Queen have the Event set to "Direction Fix" and "Stepping" setting on.

-The priest tell you have to have 5 Fairy Dusts so the player is made aware how much to collect.

-Edwynn should have one or two skills to start with so you have something to spend your TP on.

-Your Items and Skills should tell the player what they do so the player knows what it's used for it.

- When you have to feed all those people instead of individually taking the Food Parcels they player obtains the required amount of parcels when they interact with the food Box. Then you turn on a Self Switch then you have a different Event page that says, "I took all the food I need."

- Whenever you receive an Item have a Sound effect just like when you give the miners their Food Parcel.