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I realize this is just an early alpha, so I'm going to point out things that are almost certainly obvious to you, but it's healthy nontheless to hear these things from other people:

*Lacks rebindalbe keys
*The RMB attack is awfully underpowered considering how (relatively) tricky it is to pull off, compared to the LMB attack. I think it should also do something worthwhile when you jumb and shoot down, instead of the attack just farting out into nothingness.
*Needs sound. Hell, even old-school pc-speaker emulation sounds would actually fit it really well, although I realize I'm in the minority when it comes to that sort of stuff
*Wouldn't it be cool if you were sometimes actually approaching someone from behind, instead of all the enemies doing that to you?
*General variety is sorely lacking. Understandable, it's alpha after all, but I felt I had seen almost all there is to see after only few minutes of gameplay.

But you've got the aesthetic nailed down at least, and some very early framework for the game mechanics which can, and should, be expanded upon.

Good luck dude.

Thanks for the criticism! I have some questions:

*By the RMB attack being under-powered, do you mean the bullet you fire or the ground/side slam you do when you fire it?

*More variety is definitely something I'd like to have happen. What would you like to see? Different weapons? Customizable RMB attacks? More enemies varieties? Different playable characters?