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(1 edit)

Okay, i've done that. And now i'm stuck wondering something.

Was the player meant to die in Luna Fracta's realm saving Qrow? Cause i did that, twice now. One was the betraying Blake, the other, i saved Qrow and was trapped in her realm. Again i didn't keep key members, but i kept Pyrrha, Yang, Blake, Ren, and Nora. But Weiss is in Michglas, and Ren is Nora's adviser. But what have i been doing wrong? I would really like to know because i had to start from Act 1, and have since gotten a bad ending, again.(Now of course, i'm remembering to quick save at certain points)

Did you free the prisoner in the basement?

And did you follow the walkthrough to keep Weiss?

Weiss needs to come back from Michglas after she gets poisoned, it sounds like you didn't get her back.

(Also, the skip function will fast-forward through scenes you have read while pausing things you haven't seen before, we highly recommend it for people trying to play multiple routes.)