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(1 edit) (+2)

Oh i loved this game. Love the bait and switch with a cute Which looks like this game isn't scary at all. The random 2003 which doesn't have anything to do with the date, like the BORN TO DIE meme. This might actually have something to do with cement mixing. It's not that you mix cement in the game, it's that you simulate the daily life of a person who works at a cement mixer company. He probably had drugs in that cement.

The bird people which look like the bird people from Yume Nikki are amazing characters in this game. 

These guys look so cute i love them. They are stereotypical minimum wage workers which need to feed their family with Borsch, and simple food just to stay alive, which is why they look so skinny.

In the game poster image "Cement mixer simulator 2003", you can see the reflection of the bird people.

You are trapped and your life is nothing but work and families. You live in fantasies, amazing fantasies.

You live your life inside of dreams, not real. You get into beautiful cornfields, barns, dream islands, to get away from the disgrace that is your life.

That is just how i see this game, it's amazing, great models, fantastic character design and an idea. Very creative and original. I don't understand this game but i love it. 9/10. Weird and great!