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(1 edit)

I love that once the lights are on, the robots are like: "Well, nothing I can do now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

This is a very nice first jam game. I liked the directional sounds for the footsteps, it makes it easier to know when there are robots around. A little tip: once you get your player move input, try something like this:

var move_dir : Vector2 = #player move inputs here
move_dir = move_dir.normalized() * move_speed

This makes so that the player doesn't go faster than they are supposed to when moving diagonally (or in any direction that is not cardinal, for that matter)

Glad you enjoyed the game! Thank you for your advice, I noticed this during the development but couldn't figure out the solution in time.

That's great advice and will implement this going forwards :)