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….i mean idk cuz iā€™m in a psych class rn and iā€™m studying the humanā€™s behavior so…psychiatric material…?..

oh cool maybe you can figure out wtf is wrong with me./j

haha honestly the psychology weā€™re studying right now is super good

itā€™s like thereā€™s 7 types of different psych? some psychologists will say itā€™s like a physical issue (genes) some behavior, some say itā€™s just your attitude, and some other things. like who u hang out with can affect u??

well I'm talking mostly abt things you're born with. Autism, adhd, yk things that affect your brain function that have no cure and cannot simply appear, you have to be born with it to have it.

Neurodivergence basically. Yk things that might have some hereditary influence but the exact cause is unknown and such.

Because my sister says I have low-empathy disorder (they don't use the words psychopath or sociopath anymore because it takes on a negative connotation) and maybe some sort of autism. My mom thinks I might have adhd and my other sister says I have ocd.

I know my other sister is wrong because I don't have the same obsessive thoughts related to OCD, but I wonder if my sister and my mom might have a point.

I kinda already know I'm neurodivergent I just don't know what exactly.

In my psych class I took a few different types of psychology. Mostly it was psychiatry, but we also studied animal behaviors every now and then and the different types of psychology.

We also studied the generational identity in which every generation believes themselves to be better than the next one because "that's how I was raised, and I turned out fine so that must be the correct way to be raised and these new ways of raising kids just ain't right." Then the next generation complains about the last generation treating them badly because of this only to do it again to the generation after them. For example, Gen Z complains that the past generations make fun of them and treat them badly, but they do the same thing to Gen Alpha. It's also, each generation thinks that they're going to be the change in the cycle, that they won't treat the next generation the same way they were treated, but they always always do. It's also, with the way the world is so rapidly changing nowadays, each generation can only relate to people in their own generation and find difficulty relating to other generations because ultimately they didn't grow up with the same struggles and the same lives. That's why there's such a big divide between each generation. Because we just can't relate to each other anymore. Not even because it's physically impossible to, but because of the generational identity that we built. It's a sort of "stay in your lane and we stay in ours" situation, like cliques. Generations don't mix because no one, no one changes the way they think. No one tries to understand. The cycle doesn't stop. Gen Alpha, they'll complain about Gen Z. They'll grow up and treat the next generation the same. It's always the same. I'm not being pessimistic, and I'm not being a "realist" I'm being genuinely serious. This is the way it is. And the chances of the cycle ever stopping, of a generation ever pausing and going "wait... what are we doing?" Are so low. It repeats and repeats and repeats. The cycle always repeats. But no one ever stops to recognize it.

We also took like the basics. Yk, classical conditioning, mental disorders, blah blah blah.

honestly my only intention to learn psychology is to learn about myself and why certain people act the way they do towards me-itā€™s like another preparation to how to deal with people i guess? i wanna take it next year as well, but i donā€™t know šŸ˜­. and generational psych is VERY cool to learn, seeing how every age/generation changes. i also wanna learn how music affects psych-like, for example, the influence/social type of psych?

idk itā€™s just something to learn

like i know music changes your mood, it can

but how??? like all these things intrigue me, especially since i love music

music itself is so good if you UNDERSTAND music. you can enjoy any type of music if you get the concept of music

music isnā€™t just words, itā€™s poetry and meaning

every song has a meaning

wether it be about a game, a relationship, a death,  religion

it all has a meaning

thatā€™s what i love about music! finding out what the significance of the song is. i like take time to break down lyrics, and sometimes what influenced the song 

i sound probably super annoying right now but i could talk about music for HOURS, ESPECIALLY the life behind taylorā€™s songs oh my god

a lot of people say her music sounds the same, and i wouldnā€™t say that all her songs sound the same, but a couple do! sheā€™s a pop artist…pop music usually SOUNDS the same, 

but when we dive deep into her synth music and indie, itā€™s like youā€™re opening a whole new world

i spent the other day for an HOUR explaining to one of my friends what ONE song meant, because of how much meaning it had. if it really wasnā€™t for her music and her lyrics, i wouldā€™ve never won an essay scholarship 

sheā€™s influenced a lot of my writing. poetry, essays, my vocabulary-i didnā€™t know what the word surmise meant, nor EXISTED till i heard it, and now i use it in my daily vocabulary 

so in all honesty and not because iā€™m a big fan, but she truly is a good artist and deserves all the fame she has

sorry again for yapping šŸ˜ž

me when I write an entire fucking thing only for my phone to lose charge and now I have to write it all over again.

Anyway I was saying that pop music sounds very similar nowadays, not because it can't be different, but because no one tries to be different. If you listen to older pop music I feel like people experimented more then. It has more variety.

I too enjoy understanding the meaning behind songs and such but I feel more attracted to songs like So Beautiful by DPR IAN or Climbing Up the Walls by Radiohead.

So Beautiful is a love song, but I feel like it's really beautiful in the sense that it's not overly positive or overly negative, it's more complex. It feels more natural in a way. The music is also very airy and it matches the vibe of the song really well. I feel like the music is so special because it doesn't feel like it's a background to the lyrics or so, it is the lyrics. It just feels like the song has a soul, you know what I mean?

Climbing Up the Walls is honestly the only song about anxiety/paranoia that I actually GET. It's written from the perspective of your fear and paranoia I could go through each individual lyric for you right now just to tell you how good it is. I feel like every song that mentions anxiety is about being overwhelmed, but Climbing Up the Walls isn't like that. Climbing Up the Walls is about the genuine raw fear. The kind of fear that makes you push people away, that makes you take a knife on a tour around your house "just in case", that makes you look behind you when you walk down the street at night. It's about a feeling if real genuine terror. Isolating, debilitating terror. The music as well is so interesting because like I genuinely don't think I've ever heard a song that sounded like Climbing Up the Walls. The music is so unique and it tries to do something with itself and such. And the scream at the end is just so... AHHHHH it is so good. I love it. Genuinely.

I just feel like, and this is MY OPINION, Taylor's songs lack that. That genuine raw humanity of these songs. She might be singing about something that's real, but the emotion behind it feels superficial. That's just how I feel is all. 

(1 edit)


Honestly I canā€™t really say anything about your opinion, and Iā€™m not trying to argue, but just try to show you that her songs do have raw feeling and emotions. She just doesnā€™t write about her experiences with her exes, but she puts us as the listener in her shoes the way she describes it. I have never been emotional to a song before, and the only 4 songs I ever felt this way to was ā€œthis is me tryingā€, ā€œall too wellā€, and ā€œpeter/the albatrossā€. Individually these songs tell a story that feels literally SO sacred.

take this is me trying for example-the feeling that youā€™re falling apart. youā€™re not the same as you used to be. EVERY time i listen to timt (this is me trying), the lyrics and the way she phrases words are SUCH main details. speaking about how you canā€™t always be the best version of yourself-this song is like a sister of a song named ā€œmirrorballā€, which is almost the same concept except timt is more or less of: ā€œiā€™m dying, but iā€™m tryingā€ and mirrorball is: ā€œiā€™m showing you my best version to make you happyā€. itā€™s honestly hard for me to relate to a song like that because me being me, i hate denying iā€™m not the most perfect person, and that song just like, wooow. expands my mind

all too well, (10 minute version) is honestly SUCH a beautiful song. it talks about a 3 month relationship that felt sacred, private, and honestly just so holy…and the only reason for this is because the person who this was written for (jake gyllehnahal or however u spell it), had took her sacredness. but it was just out of WANTING to take it, not because he loved her. even though i canā€™t relate to this one in that way, i relate it by losing a person who i thought really loved me, and the way itā€™s constructed is just so-ugh. she literally uses a SCARF as a metaphor of her innocence-and he does still have that scarf, ā€œbut you keep my old scarf from that very first week, cuz it reminds you of innocenceā€™s and it smells like meā€…lemme tell u smth, my mom doesnā€™t cry over songs. but when she listened to the full song she came out crying šŸ˜­-and taylor was only TWENTY ONE when she wrote this song, and it has SUCH beautiful writing and emotion 

and lastly, peter and the albatross. iā€™m doing these combined cuz theyā€™re both off the same album, but also cuz i canā€™t really like…not, speak about one or the other. peter speaks about a boy (specifically matt healey from the 1975 band?) who can never grow up, and taylor, as wendy from peter pan, was madly in love with. peter always promised wendy to come back…but he never really did-ā€œwords from the mouths of babes, promises oceans deep, but never to keepā€. this line hits SO hard. weā€™ve literally all heard somebody tell us something, but they only said it because they knew thatā€™s what we wanted to hear. never to keep their promise. and the bridge in this song as well is so beautiful. every time i listen to it i sorta space out because you just feel so connected, so like, idk how to say it šŸ˜­. after the first time i listened to it, it was very engraved in my mind. last year at my award ceremony when i did my speech (i was class pres), i used a lyric from this song because of how much it meant to me: ā€œloves never lost when perspective is earnedā€, because that is a phrase iā€™ve lived with for a while…iā€™d honestly really recommend youā€™d listen to this song, because itā€™s so heart felt and so like…IDKKK IDK HOW TO SAY IT BRO

but now with the albatross, ANOTHER great song , actually one of my FAVORITES. a lot of tays exes say that they their reputation was ruined due to the fact that they DATED her, (she writes songs, duh!), which debuts the main focus of this song. ā€œsheā€™s the death you chose, youā€™re in terrible dangerā€…if you want to date her, hope to god you treat her well or ELSE youā€™ll be thrown under the bus like all the other dudes. but this song is more or else dedicated to joe alwyn (partner of 6 years), and iā€™ll tell you why i think itā€™s about joe  

according to google, ā€œIn one of the most incredible aspects of albatrosses' lives, the fully fledged young birds will spend up to six years at sea before returning to land to find a partner.ā€œ taylor spent her youth years with joe-she thought joe was going to be taylorā€™s love of her life, but ended up being the loss of her life. another reason why i say this is because joe always wanted a private relationship, and she says this in her documentary ā€œmiss americanaā€-like she has a good 5 minutes about joe on there and how her love life with him reflected off of that years album, ā€œreputationā€, of how he was there for her lowest…now, we know that he couldnā€™t be there for her highest.  throughout the album ttpd, taylor states that she wanted to be married, and that she wasted her time with joe in the song ā€œso long, londonā€. all of her songs on this album all sorta correlate, but the meaning of this song also engraved in me. when you tie yourself in a relationship with somebody you knew was trouble, itā€™s hard NOT to be mentioned, and that looks can be DECEIVING. the way she describes herself as this cruel, selfish person is literally such beautiful reiterated that you totally forget that sheā€™s describing herself as this person whoā€™s cruel. whoā€™s DANGEROUS. but after all, they decided to play the game with her-whoā€™s at fault? but all 4 of these songs are the definition of heart-felt. THESE are the songs that should be shown out more. well written, beautiful, songs. thereā€™s also so many i wish i could get to but youā€™d probably stop responding šŸ¤£-but to top it off, her top 5 albums that have actually like the best heart-felt songs are

1. evermore

2. ttpd

3. folklore

4. ttpd (the anthology$

5. midnights

like all of these have SUCH good songs…of course, i can get kinda sick of the songs that are overplayed, (i can do it with a broken heart, fortnight, ANTI-HERO šŸ˜­, CARDIGAN…) but thereā€™s a reason why theyā€™re overplayed. cuz theyā€™re so good…like lowkey when anti-hero hits, the lyrics DO hit…but i am about to listen to the songs you just said cuz i really wanna hear what you feel!!!

i lied. thatā€™s NOT the only 4 songs.




forever winter (taylorā€™s version) is i think the most beautiful song out there-i donā€™t know if the topic would trigger you so you donā€™t need to read it if you donā€™t wanna but ima just put this (tw: suicide mention)

taylor was friends with this one dude (i forgot his name), and she used to always play her songs for him first. the song forever winter is dedicated to him, stating that she shouldā€™ve seen the signs before he committed and that she feels guilty. he was such a sweet soul-and taylor wanted to be his forever summer, to be his warmth to his coldness. so now, whenever he would be mentioned, it would be forever winter. the bridge in this song is so beaming with emotion as well, and this songs means the WORLD to me due to the fact that i have lost somebody due to suicide, and i think this is one of the few taylor songs i cried too

but forever winter is also one of the more emotional taylor songs!!!

It sounds like I'm trying to argue uh I'm not I'm just like really saying my own POV on the matter.

I'm not saying ALL of Taylor's songs lack what I feel is genuine raw emotion, I can acknowledge that yes she has written songs about real experiences with real emotion it's just I feel like a majority of her songs aren't made like that. And songs that lack that aren't necessarily bad, heck some of my favorite songs are like that. And Taylor is a good artist, I'm not an idiot, I have ears, I know her songs are good. I just gravitate more toward other songs.

I especially am not a really big fan of pop music cause for me personally, I like it when songs are more unique and try to do something interesting with their music. Not just the lyrics, the music as well. I like when music is art. Not just a bunch of chords that sound good. You're meant to experiment and think outside the box.

It's actually why Gorillaz is one of my favorite bands. Not a lot of their songs necessarily have genuine raw emotion behind them but the music is made from a place of creativity. Of wanting to make something special musically. Experimenting, venturing around outside the box. And even when they don't have that genuine emotion, they're still talking about something.

Superfast Jellyfish is about how shallow the music industry is, prioritizing quantity over quality, making shallow and basic music, by comparing it to fast food and microwaved meals you buy at stores.

Kids With Guns is about how the younger generation is being exposed to more and more negative stuff as time goes on to the point where they relate more to chaos and negativity than anything else and they will eventually go spread that chaos when they grow up. 

Dirty Harry is literally about sending kids/teens off to war. 

Gorillaz itself started off as a criticism to today's music industry. The entire point of the band was to critique how easy it was to make it in the music industry now. Basically saying that you can even do it with a completely fake band. Literally Gorrilaz is just two guys. An artist and a singer. The rest of the band is composed of different people every time because the band itself is not real.

Not arguing. Just my thoughts.

I guess like... to each his own yk. Music is subjective anyway.

guys i so find emotion in shake it off…like i violently sobbed to shake it off, every time i hear it šŸ˜ž

and i think we both arent trying to argue just state opinions šŸ˜¢

but gorillazs is a good band!!! i listen to them every once in a while, i just, yk, mainly listen to taylor. but i like exploring other artist…i think when you truly do understand music, you can enjoy any genre of music. rap, pop, indie, country, synth, like ANY genre

ikr. It's such an emotional song I just...can't help but tear up a little šŸ˜”

But I was saying a majority lmao. Like the emotions are just a little surface level is all idk maybe I'm just acoustic. (I'm allowed to say that maybe probably)

Yeah I honestly listen to anything. I don't hate pop music with a burning passion or anything, lmao.