Neat little game! There was a lot going on, so it was hard to get my bearings, but I loved the art and sound design of the game, and the concept seems really neat!
Some thoughts on things I would have liked to see:
- The music was nice but got a little repetitive pretty quickly, especially with having no variance between dying or rooms or anything.
- I liked that there were little things to interact with here and there. It would have been nice to see a little indicator when you were next to something you could check, such as looking at your mailbox or standing next to the door. In the first room, it took me a moment to realize that I had to “interact” with the door in order to go through it.
- In the chaos of everything going on during the fights, it would have been nice to get a little bit more of an indicator for when you take damage. Whether the screen flashing red, character flashing with iframes, or otherwise. Using the same damage popup indicator as the slimes makes the damage feel just happenstance, which can be extra dangerous when you’re taking damage and don’t even realize it until you’re dead.
I’m glad to see you guys plan to continue with this game! I look forward to seeing it progress in the future!