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Hi Miro,

Congratulations on releasing the demo. I will preserve myself for the full game, but it sure is tempting...

Anyway, the reason I'm contacting you personally here is that I wanted to know if you were interested in having a japanese translation made of Fear & Hunger. I've been an avid learner of japanese for 3 years, and while it would be dishonest to say I am a professional with credentials (so far my work has been limited to fan translation of mangas), it's a project I would put all of myself into given how much I've loved the game.

I think that given the quality of your art, the fact it uses the RPGmaker engine, and the horror/sexual themes that are so prevalent, it would sell pretty good among the japanese audience.  It could be truly beneficial for both of us!

Please lmk if if the offer interests you, and we can start discussing details.