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Awesome game! Been trying to make my way through and am so close. I wanted to note a couple things that aren't necessarily problems, but could be bugs or improvements. When restarting the game, the oxygen level graphics don't get reset for the lower floors. Also, on restart, the menu selections should reset to the first item like, the build menu, or the team menu. If I have a bunch of things researched and the last thing I built was the rocket, but then die, when it restarts the selection in the build menu is down on the last thing I built which is not visible on restart since it needs to be researched first. Same with Team, it should reset back to Mike on restart.

One thing that may be a bug or possibly me not understanding correctly, is if I am on the 10th level and mining, the oxygen meter graphic  for the 9th level goes down and not the 10th level. Is that supposed to be that way or is it off by one due to tables starting at 0 and not 1?

The top floor has infinite oxygen, so the oxygen meter starts with the second floor.  Thank you for the bug report, I will look into the menu reset issues later to day.

New Bunker Control System 2.5 with the restart fixes is deployed.

Wow, Awesome. Thanks.