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This one's tough, as I feel like there's a lot of potential in this idea of a mall with an entire level abandoned and left to rot while a new floor is built on top of it as some desperate act of hubris on the part of its owner. The main issue for me is, it doesn't really feel like a space that used to be a mall, it's just The Backrooms, something which I've experienced countless times at this point, and beyond the legitimately interesting narrative framing, this doesn't seem to do anything new with the concept.

Admittedly, I didn't play to the end, as the long lead-up of wandering indistinct halls and reading notes before the monster even first appears didn't give me much motivation to try again once I died. Also, despite what the notes implied, the monster seemed completely undeterred when I returned to a lit area, ultimately causing my death. I think adding some sort of distinct set piece early on, even something as simple as a sign displaying the name of the mall left in disrepair, would have done a lot to add some sorely needed intrigue and helped set the stage for the rest of the experience.

That all being said, what glimpses of the monster I got, I really liked. It's appearance and the uncanniness of its animation certainly made it feel like something worth fleeing from!

I feel like this concept really has wings, exploring a structure built by someone trying to bury the past in order to reach their vision of the future, and given more time, I believe it could really be shaped into something special, but as it stands, I don't see the uniqueness of that concept fully reflected here.