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A Bit of Magical Mischief: A Review of 'Innocent Witches'

This is past due since I've been following this game and it's updates for quite a few years now but I'm finally getting around to doing a proper review.

'Innocent Witches' is an interactive visual novel set in the Harry Potter universe, but with a playful twist. This game offers an entertaining, tongue-in-cheek experience that blends humor, immersive storytelling, and unique artwork to create something truly enchanting!


  • Entertaining and Immersive Plot - The plot of 'Innocent Witches' is a delightful romp through the magical world of Harry Potter, but with a decidedly cheeky spin. The story doesn't take itself too seriously, instead opting for a humorous and lighthearted approach that pokes fun at the tropes of the wizarding world. Whether it's the witty dialogue or the playful scenarios, the plot keeps you engaged and laughing from start to finish. The immersion in the familiar universe adds an extra layer of enjoyment for fans, making the game feel like a mischievous alternate adventure within the halls of Hogwarts.
  • Unique Art Style - The artwork in 'Innocent Witches' stands out with its distinctive and creative style, bordering realistic and cartoonish without tipping too far in either direction. The character designs are playful and expressive, perfectly matching the game's comedic tone. The environments are richly detailed, with a whimsical quality that brings the magical world to life in a new and refreshing way. The unique art style sets the game apart from other visual novels, making it visually appealing and memorable.
  • Constant Laughter - If there's one thing 'Innocent Witches' excels at, it's humor. The game is filled with clever jokes, hilarious situations and playful innuendos that keep the mood light and entertaining. It strikes a balance between being funny and naughty, making it an enjoyable experience that doesn't take itself too seriously. The constant stream of humor ensures that there's never a dull moment, keeping players engaged and entertained throughout.
  • Gets You Revved Up - In addition to the humor, 'Innocent Witches' knows how to spice things up. The game has its fair share of steamy moments that are playful and fun, adding an extra layer of excitement to the experience. These moments are handled with the same cheeky tone as the rest of the game, ensuring they're as much about having a good time as they are about turning up the heat.


  • A Few Bugs - One downside to 'Innocent Witches' is the occasional bug that can disrupt the flow of the game. Whether it's a minor glitch or a more noticeable isssue, these bugs can momentarily pull you out of the experience. While they're not game-breaking, they can be a bit frustrating, especially during key moments in the story. However, the developer is always working to fix and improve the game and always taking feedback so that is definitely a plus on that front.
  • Sometimes a Little Too Silly - While the humor and lightheartedness are major strengths of 'Innocent Witches', there are times when the game can lean a bit too far into silliness. Some scenes or jokes might feel overly goofy, which could detract from the otherwise immersive experience. A slightly more balanced approach to the humor could help maintain the game's charm without going over the top.


'Innocent Witches' is a delightful and entertaining visual novel that brings a playful twist to the Harry Potter universe. With its funny and immersive plot, unique art style and constant stream of humor, the game offers a magical experience that's both engaging and enjoyable. While it has a few bugs and sometimes veers into overly silly territory, these minor issues don't detract much from the overall experience. Fans of the Harry Potter series or "Magic School" genres in general who are looking for a cheeky and fun adventure will find 'Innocent Witches' to be a charming and memorable addition to their collection.


Thank you very much for feedback!