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This is a pretty big game for a jam! I really liked the tone that was set by the opening sequence. I won't get too deep into how grindy it is as I'm sure you're already aware. A few points:

- Monsters are quite prevalent and they do very little damage. You also can't really shoot them much without running out of energy. As a result, the optimal play becomes to basically try and dodge and tank monsters while grinding as much material as possible.
- I reached the second area before repairing most of the stuff in the base. Not sure if that's intended but I felt like I got there a bit out of sequence.
- It can be a bit finicky sometimes whether I use my pickaxe or shoot. Binding them to separate buttons may work better.
- Radiation makes it basically pointless to upgrade battery cells before you get to the second area.
- The game is made more repetitive by the map being static. If the map changed every time you went out it might become more interesting.

All in all a solid framework, but needs work to become as fun as it has the potential to be. Good job!


Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to implement procedural generation but ran out of time to figure it out, unfortunately. That'll be in the eventual release on Steam!