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Thanks for your comment! You bring up a lot of valid points; rebalancing is definitely required for basically everything. 

I want to lower the radiation for each component and make all the repair components cheaper as soon as possible. You're right that many of those costs were made to lengthen the runtime, but I think it is way too much right now. 

You actually found two bugs. The spiders are supposed to spawn in the base each time you enter after a certain point, and it looks like they only do it once. That definitely makes the game way worse and infinitely harder; I'm very sorry about that!

The camera in the second area, player hitbox, attack, melee, and enemy animations are also on my fix list. Time just really got away from me in this jam. The whole second map got deleted on the last day, and I ended up pulling an all-nighter to get it in its current state.

Thanks so much for playing and for finishing the game! I really appreciate your feedback and will work towards improving this once voting ends!