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Awesome game tbh. ^-^ It looks great and the gameplay is super fun and challenging, I really enjoyed beating the levels

My few problems were:
- Sometimes the screen felt too small. I was just heading in a direction and for example an off screen earth enemy  just dashes into me from that direction, leaving me with a miniscule dodge window.
- the dash cooldown is just slightly too long in my opinion. I understand that it can't be super fast since it's your main weapon too but it just feels a bit clunky to use.
- In the second stage I have no idea how im supposed to deal with the electricity big enemies. The only way I could beat them is by quickly getting the water guy and the earth guy and the top and bottom of the screen before they even appeared. Once theyre on screen I have to perfectly time dodges to just survive them. They seem a bit strong.

Other than that I only have praises. Great idea to combine your main movement and attack move, and I love the element combination mechanic too. My favourite was gold.

Thanks! I do plan to adress those issues when voting time ends, so thanks for feedback!