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A very beautiful vampire-survivor like with a lot of charm and interesting level up system.

The leveling up really confused me at first but after reading the tooltips and the game page a bit and experimenting I managed to figure it out fairly easy. I gotta say I really like the system, gathering elements and combining them to form other ones to unlock and level up powers is really cool. However I DO NOT like the fact that I am punished and lose resources for incorrect combinations. It feels too heavy and goes against the spirit of experimentation in my opinion.

Also I'm not sure if it's a bug but after you run out of a combined element you can't right click to create it you have to manually combine the 2 base elements again so I found myself keeping at least 1 of them in stock to avoid this.

I wish there was an indicator to show you if you had unlocked everything or not. I feel like I'm missing something in the bottom right but then the whole upgrade screen can be panned around so for all I know I'm missing tons! I couldn't figure out anything to combine with the ice at the very bottom and I swear I tried every combination.

Also some indication of your level/time survived/enemies killed etc would have been cool then you can compare your scores with others.

The art is just absolutely fantastic. I love the main character design and the enemies all look great. The background/level design is full of charm and is nicely detailed. The UI and level-up screen looks great and the effects are fantastic.

The music was kinda quiet and not much to comment on to be honest. The SFX were nice especially the collection sound, it was very satisfying, maybe a level-up sound of some sort would have been nice.

Later on my game became completely unplayable with the hundreds of characters and effects on screen it just lagged SO SO much and ultimately got me killed when I lag spiked into a massive group of enemies and died. A way of healing would be nice :)

Overall a very fun game, I absolutely love vampire survivors and this brings a really nice and unique twist to the forumla. I'd love to see this developed and the spell system turned up to 11, like Infinite craft where you can make anything haha (maybe not that far)

Would love to revisit if there are more updates :)

Was looking forward to this review. Loving the in-depth feedback you give! Thanks for playing!