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Cool concepts! I think the mechanics have potential but could use a few more iterations before they're there. They feel a bit too punishing at the moment A lot of that just comes down to tweaking some values, like smoothing out the player movement, adjusting some hitboxes and slowing down the enemies' projectiles a little. It's difficult to react quickly to enemy bullets when you can't see where you're going!

The night vision mechanic could be fun but feels a bit frustrating to use right now. Often times I found myself barely seeing anything even with night vision on and having my movement and shooting blocked by it to the point where it felt better to just leave it off. As a core mechanic it should probably feel a bit more rewarding to use. You could maybe do that by reducing the duration and treating it like a toggleable power up instead.

Other than that, the presentation and the upgrade system are good. I thought the tutorial was especially well executed. Good job!