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Ahhhhhh, it's such a great game? When I first came across EL, almost 2 years ago, I was drawn in by pretty elves, not gonna lie. Ultimately tho, now that the game is out I can say for sure that it was the story that kept my interest, as I was second-guessing my theories about what was going on up till the very end.
I went through all the routes, and, honestly, it's been a long time since I was left so satisfied with the entirety of a VN. Probably because the game has such an abundance of choices, dialogue-wise. Also, lemme tell you: I adore when I can roleplay as a bit (or VERY) mean character so the game has been such a tasty treat in this regard. (And don't get me started on romances. I adored all of them, and for me, someone who always ends up having no more than two favourites... it's a pleasantly surprising developement.)
Really, I can only praise the game and thank you for the effort and dedication you put into it!