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Hello, i didn't see the message till now somehow. You should use Unreal 100% it's not 200gb it's 15-20 wich is still huge but not nearly as bad, the engine is used to make most mascot horror games and high-end pc games by almost every game company excepting the ones that have their own engine, i don't think unreal is hard to understand maybe just overwhelming, if you want to ask me more stuff hit me up on discord:

Ok thanks really for answering , also ur trailers are so good

ok so i thought alot about switching to unreal and i am actully but i am not saying that godot is bad no i think that godot is rly good but it needs more features and the number one thing i thought of because most of like 90 percent of the yt tutorials for godot is 2D which i rly hate in making i thought that unreal will have more tutorials on every topic , also today i downloaded epic games , i did alot of research and found out that that UE 5 is 200 gb but UE 4.27 is only 13 Gb so i went for it untill i get a pc to download 5 , i just wanted to ask about something , when i search on yt for tutorials for UE 4.27 there is zero i swear zero tutorial only 4 and 4.16 between them u understand me , so does the other tutorials apply on it or what because like i cant learn it without tutorials , pls tell me as soon as u can , before i finish downloading it (also i dont have discord thats why i am talking here)