Really great concept :D. I like the artifact that allows you to use slang. I think you can expand on that concept, maybe one for names, locations(cities countries etc.), gamer acronyms (ttk,brb,dot,aoe etc). I think making them more specific and but more rewarding would be satisfying. for example a modifier that makes animals give mult, so (dog, cat snake etc.), colors, numbers; you get the idea. You could also think about adding permanent upgrades like changing the hand itself, either decreasing or increasing. Anyways, I think you could make something that hits a very similar spot to balatro also i feel like Northern Lion would go crazy for this game. good luck
Thanks! Awesome that you liked the concept!
Really like the idea of expanding the use of definitions-based items by making them more specific. Part of the challenge is balancing that with the amount of control you can exert on reliably creating a matching word (e.g. repeatedly making animals if you have a mult for animals).
+1 on hand changing upgrades as well.
Excited to be adding these in the coming days/weeks