Golianakin and FLABBIERGERM have done an amazing job with the audio and sprites. As a game Designer, I try to incorporate as much as possible during the 7+ days we have to use their sprites and music. I think both never done this type of theme and Golianakin did gave reference that inspired me to go based off the images.
I did have issues with the boxes, and looking at it in hindsight, I think the boxes would work well as a leverages to avoid the pests and build some stairs rather than needing it to act as a pressure plate for the switches, since using the player would make it feel better and less troublesome than the boxes themselves.
As far as the rotation go, I was inspired by Mortal Kombat Mythologies that uses a turn button to incorporate it. I have notice that sometimes the speed of the character isn't consistent depending on how you move, but if it makes it seem like the character is getting drunk, more towards the theme of the game.
Overall, it is an amazing and grueling game to make with the prototypes and my personal life, plus both Golianakin and FLABBIERGERM and what they do outside of this, but the game will have improvements in the future and more levels to play. Maybe an entire rehash on some coding and level design.