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maybe not exactly a bug I also learned the hard way that the larger preds refuse to eat each other in two random pred mode, tulpy is the only one that I can get them to eat, the buggy part is that all the others eat me without actually touching me while predator between us is reeling from having just regurgitated me the player, I even got Ligeska to spit me out in front of Bella which is suuper rare but even though there's no way bella could touch me with the massive snake in the way it seems to ignore the distance between us.

Deleted 228 days ago
(4 edits)

Really? okay I clearly need to do more testing, Why is Ligeska unable to eat Bella since she should have in theory enough stomach capacity to fit at least 7 students? is ligeska's detection of the player take priority over other preds or somethin, she's refuses to eat any other predators in all my testing in two random pred mode besides tulpy. (I just saw ligeska slither AROUND Bella to get to me after i got regurgitated so I'm assuming you've coded her to reject Bella at least, more testing i got a green apple and satie spat me out in full view of ligeska, while satie has her hands on her knees I crouch behind her to make sure ligeska can't touch me without touching Satie, she gupled me through a reeling Satie, ANOTHER TIME SHE PHYSICALLY PUSHED SATIE'S MODEL OUT OF THE WAY THEN GULPED ME. Ligeska's hit detection is so weird)

(5 edits)

fuck yes I finally got a purple apple to spawn and satie regurged me near enough to bella, satie do be edible as an apex pred by bella at least. edit: reaaal shame satie must've regurged the crazy apple into bella cause she started making those weird movement shortly after I made this messsage and spat out satie :/ (without the purple apple not getting the results tho....yeah got satie to regurgitate me in front of bella once again, she just goes around her to eat me while satie is  recovering from regurging me, idk if this has some kind of effect on satie's collision but yeah her hands on her knees animation seems to not let her be eaten during it maybe?)

Deleted 228 days ago
(1 edit)

Ah so it is coded to make it unlikely by design, I can definitely understand not wanting to have the player easily do it, other preds in two pred mode is hella risky to start with and not really a win since there's still gonna be one pred, she's just gonna be a fatter pred. I guess this is just an edge case considering two random preds is not the standard game so you've designed it with a player pred in mind? I appreciate the info I'm guessing the 25% chance only to eat and only while not stunned/chasing is something you have in advance for when you make larger preds playable? None of the current playable student pred have the stomach capacity to fit more than tulpy so it didn't occur to me that you'd go out of your way to add extra checks to prevent larger preds from being eaten.