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dayum i  didnt expect someone to write whole paragraph and im definetly not saying that developers do smth wrong or not i just say it would be wonderfull if torahiko route was finished cuz of how good it is and i mean yeah youre prob right but  im also sure it makes me and lot of other players sad that his route is heavily unfinished despite being main route beacuse lets take your logic

Think like a Developer:

if torahiko is main route shouldnt he be finished first? if main route in game isnt finished then its just weird and im well aware that in oryginal he wasnt finished either so yeah thats all i wanted to say

p.s. dont take offense pls 

I think it can be for having the hype up, or something with other routes that had to be added first in order to make Torahiko's route worth, like a history plot or whatever that it needs, I guess its the second one.

yeah i kinda get it but at this point  it wont get anymore popularity by making us wait for tora route honestly rn amount of players decrease if i am not wrong

I read it a year ago the devs said something about Torahiko will be the last route to be developed since his story requires other character routes to be finished first.

oh well if i wont kms meanhwile then i can wait