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my views have changed 

yeah im sorry if i could do it again ill probably use my own art i took the easy way out.. not saying ai art cant be use for anything i feel like there could be some potential to be a tool but not like this stealing from other artists and making companies produce sloppy creativity


I don't disagree with your opinion, I like both creator art and ai art, but man, I really feel bad that you let yourself be manipulated by this prick


Thank you, I appreciate that information. Also, I apologize if I come across a bit blunt in this reply.

Normally I am far more polite and friendly with people since I'm generally a cheerful and optimistic person who has been harmed by so many people that I hate harming others since I don't want to make them feel like I once did.

But every time I see an alert for Flarea Gain, up until this one, it has always been yet another AI techbro trying to do one of the following:
-White knight procedurally-generated art theft with the same sales pitches that techbros used for crypto and NFT before that NFT bubble burst.
-Claim that the main issues with procedurally-generated art theft algorithms don't exist because they can't be bothered to use Google or talk to actual starving artists that are having their work stolen and being replaced by corporations with algorithms trained on the art they made without their permission. No doubt if I told them that electrical power grids are reporting huge strain under the sheer amount of electricitical power these algorithm-based procedurally generators require, they would make up some excuse or claim all the articles are false as well, even though this is the same problem that blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs have and they attract the same techbros looking for get-rich-quick schemes.
-Make weird, bizarre false equivalency allegories for why "no, the millions of pieces of art used to train each algorithm without the permission of the original artists who own the art ISN'T art theft because of this" showing that they have no idea how anything in the world actually works or are expressing bizarre "if I can see it in public, it officially belongs to everyone including me" views akin to the meme version of communism (and funny enough, AI algorithms HAVE attracted hardcore stans who legitimately identify as communists for this very reason).
-Express their genuine contempt for hardworking artists because they see it as "taking power" from creatives who already have no power because corporations view creative roles as some of the lest valuable and expendable roles in any industry and so artists of any kind are frequently paid very little compared to other jobs in an industry or corporation.
-Simply sling petty and immature insults, usually by saying this isn't important to talk about for some reason that they won't share but somehow not talking about it is so important to them they want to silence others who talk about it, or just whatever degrading thing they can think of that is typically related to disabilities or various minorities groups such as black people or LGBT people.

The fact that AI algorithm content draws these horrid people like shit draws flies makes me question why you would want to associate with so many of such people in the first place, making content that would draw these peopel who hate artists, insult and try to forcibly silence people who simply see the issue with it, express clear bigoted views and will assume anyone they don't like falls under whatever minority they use as synonymous with playground namecalling, and are too stupid to understand any criticism of A.I. yet gullible enough to believe any poorly-written defense of A.I.

All these people in your comments, hurling insults, non-logic, and general horridness at anyone who simply sees the issue with AI, drawn to your work for having used and posted AI stuff, and you have allowed them to do so in your comments for so long. I appreciate your change of heart, and while I thank you for it, I'm afraid I have spent so long defending myself from hostile attacks by your own fans simply for criticizing algorithm-based art theft that I hesitant to not be suspicious of you still. I don't want to be, but the sheer amount of horrid people in your own fanbase attacking me for saying something you now agree with and being allowed to do so means my feelings of pain cannot be overcome by any desire I have to truly see you in a completely positive light from your change of mind.

I expressed criticism for machine-learning algorithm procedurally-generated images, trained from the theft of art that didn't belong to nor the person training the algorith nor did it have any permission to be used. In respons, I was relentlessly bombarded with abuse from your own fans who were drawn to the project you made because of the power-hogging method you used to make it via art that didn't belong to you. I tried to do something good with my life, and I paid for it at the hands of your fans.

If your fans hate that people stand up for what's right, hate that people don't remain bystanders, hate that horrid exploitation of the vulnerable is not allowed to happen without consequences or accountability, and are willing to dogpile such people to silence them so that they can get away with their hatred of artists and the environment?

Then I hope you're happy with the kind of fans you've attracted, as they likely won't be happy with your change of mind on the overloaded electrical grids powering their algorithmic image-generators that they are willing to go to war to white knight.

I appreciate you for your change of mind, thank you for speaking up about it... but the fact you stood by and let your fans abuse others for saying what you now agree with, simply because they wanted to silence the people who cared about the people being exploited by what they are defending, means I'm afraid I can't extend positive sentiments to you beyond that gratitude and appreciation, as my gratitude and appreciation do not heal the punishment I was forced to face for simply speaking up in an attempt to do some good in the world, however small it was in whatever little ways I could.


I also see that, despite agreeing with me on AI, your fanboy SK8ER69 is claiming I "manipulated you" and that I'm a "prick."

This is what I meant. You attracted such people to you with your choice to use souless art theft that overloads power stations. It's already happening and frankly considering all he warnings you had and how you stood by and let them do these things to me, again whileI appreciate your change of mind and thank you for speaking up, my pain at having paid for speaking up outweighs my sympathy for these same people who you let attack me now attacking you when you drew them to your shadow in the first place...

That sounds cruel, yes... but I can't help it. I've grown tired of trying to defend myself against these AI techbros that you brought here... so very tired... No good deed ever goes unpunished, not when there are techbros eager to silence people who could prevent them from being free of accountability...