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I guess it's my time to talk...

Ok, so, first of all : I wanted to play this game for a long time now. But i'm the biggest p*ssy when it comes to horror, so i was hesitant, but in the end there's no horror ( and even like that, yeah, i jumped some times with those " jumpscares "... ^^' ), so the game was just a pleasant surprise. A " PLEASANT " surprise yeah.. that's the word x)

I mean, ofc it's fnaf-like-(sex)game, does that mean the game don't deserve any credits ? No. If the game do it right we take it ! Okay it's not perfect, sad that some characters have a lack of scenes/animations or sound during those animations, okay there is a lack of history, okay the security room can be frustrating cause it can be a question of " luck ", but that's the gameplay. Okay there can be bugs ( for me I find just 2 of them : One in the nightclub, when u go in the Diamond room with the robot, u can fall of the map cause there are NO windows ! Yeah there is no reason to go there, but hey, when u like a game, u search everywhere for everything o/ And a second bug in the principal menu, when i click for quit the game and it ask me if i really want to quit, if i say " no " and I retry to quit the game, it gonna ask me the same question, but I could NOT click on " Yes ", the game litteraly don't want me to quit xD ), but it's in early access, some problems are normal ! Time's gonna fix many of them.

Now for the people who could think of it : Yeah I also take the game for its sex side. So what ?!

The characters ARE attractives. Hear me out. You can be the crazy b*tch who want to murder me, the girl who to step on me, the mommy who protect me, the chubby girl, the emotionless girl that nobody likes, you can be a woman, a man, a monster, a furry, a plant, a chair, a planet... If you are cute or sexy enough, i don't give a fuck ! I take it. I gonna like it. So if you want to trash talk the people who likes those kind of characters and find them sexually attractives, i'm just gonna say that they are just more open-minded than you.

All of that to say : Yeah. I love the game. I REALLY want more of it. I'm eager to see what it's gonna become, how the story gonna bloom, to see more characters, more levels, mechanics, places... I know that I really like the game precisely cause I WANT more of it. It's pretty good looking, pretty hard on certain nights, lovely characters, a good sound design, sexy animations and voices, it have its soul, I have fun with it AND was horny with it, all that I like ! x) So I hope it gonna go as far as possible and have the success it deserve !

Oh and one last thing, just a question : Do you plan on add like a " Database " or something like that in game, on the menu ? Mostly for informations about the characters i mean. Cause I don't even know the names of all of them and that's really sad ^^' And i'm curious about all their background to be honest. I know there is probably a discord server with those informations or something like that, but I just want to know if it gonna be in the game at some point. I mean right now it gonna be hard to do this cause we are too early in the story, so not much to say about them without possibly spoil.