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but i cant take a screenshot of some of the contents and idfk why this is fricking happening to me

copy and paste the contents bro if you can't paste everything just paste a small amount in if you find anything that says "exception" in the player.log file copy and paste it into your comment

UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)

UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)



there, are you happy now?

(1 edit)

i mean error message(s) and btw can you despawn all instances of other characters like dr reflex?


yes i can despawn all of the other instances except for beans

ok i've updated 1.0.2 a little download that and see if that issue is still there if it is then tell me and i'll fix it in a later release

Deleted 69 days ago
Deleted 69 days ago

the issue is still there

(1 edit)

Don't worry, you're not the only, me too Beans don't despawn

P.s. For oldsport, only the spawn thing and break rule ting for Beans work, despawn/Teleport/ECT... dont work (for Beans uh!)


at least we both are together

Yes lol