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(2 edits) (+9)(-1)

Okay, as much I hate to say it, I won't play this game anymore if we don't get a path for both Sayuri & Asami!

The are many people who genuinely want that to happen. But some are so eager to attack us by saying that our opinion mean nothing and doing that will ruin the game.

You already have a story where things are different but only now you suddenly want it to make sense? The best scenario would have been to not have a potential character at all! But that's not the case. Now we need to make a choice to make it make sense with reality?

RNG, your game has wonderful Art and the story is also interesting, and the Characters are also great. I would've loved it even if it was not a porn game, but only a harem one! But the one thing I hate about harem games is the fact that you have girls that have the feelings but are left behind!

I usually enjoy story more than the Sex scenes. I stand strong and firm on my thoughts about either having a strong one-on-one love relationship or if you're going for a Harem route, do it properly. We all know that there are many Harem stories where one girl always get's left behind because of the very same reason of Coherence, or stories where multiple girls show interest for one Character and all are casted aside except one to keep the reality factor in check! But many of us could tell that it 100% leaves a sour taste, so it's better to not show them at all!

This game is not for me!

I wish you and your game success! Thanks for the wonderful time!