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(2 edits) (+4)

I would love to see what sh!t VN you try to make. A huge majority of the VNs on this site are passion projects. If you're so bent out of shape, how about you get off your ass, go to steam, and I don't know; freaking pay for a complete VN if it matters to you so much. If you truly cared about a VN being made by an up and coming creator you'd understand that life doesn't stop for them just because they make VN as a passion project. Sometimes they need to focus on life (like school, their job, or a family which I imagine you have none of with the way you talk). It's pretty normal for some VN creators to go on haitus for those reasons, they might fall out of love for the project, or find that reworks didn't pan out. This is being made by an individual in concert with a small group of artists, a composer, and some people helping with programming etc. Not a full on company, so things can happen. Also it is normal practice for VN creators on here to request DONATIONS via patreon and other sites to help pay for those that assist with the VN and in exchange they get early access to updates while public access is a month later usually. The money does go into the VN but it doesn't always guarantee completion. Again go to steam and PAY for complete VNs if it matters to you so much. Your lack of common sense and money (you broke a55 loser) yet abundance of entitlement is astounding.