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(3 edits)

1.3 bug, I keep getting these two at the same time which seems impossible to co-exist.

Edit: I also got an "you have no great skills" on my princess who I managed to get intelligence and insight to 100 on. And the game ignores that I ended up with Ana :( Sorry I am not sure how to see what the issue is as I have no code skills.

The pictures work great.

They are actually talking about different things although I totally see the confusion!

The first one is faction approval, where the second one is the combined respect of the other delegates. 

To get credit for having lots of great skills you have to succeed at a 90+ check on I don't have it in front of me, but I think like 3-4 stats? before getting a better narration. Being great at only a few things isn't enough for extra kudos. 

(I'm totally up to rebalancing down the line if it feels unfairly difficult to get praise in it's current state)

What do you mean the game ignores ending up with Ana? The endings should go (Conflict) - (Resolution) - (people you aren't marrying/romancing from the associated countries- rinse and repeat till everyone's done- you go back to your original home - romance specific section - friendship section - credits - epilogues. The specific person you married is only mentioned in their section and epilogues, otherwise the branching would be even more insane. Is the game ignoring you are married to her? do you not go to skalt? not get the epilogue? More details will help <3

Thank you again! <3 <3 <3 

I didn't get any epilogue with her (might not be in the game yet?) and when I started a new game it just ignored that I'd ended up married to her when I clicked to add the bonus stats. But it did tell me all about our happy lives together. Sorry for being confusing!

ah the epilogue has tough requirements and you have to meet them to get both the epilogue and the bonus stats. For Ana’s you need high romance and a good ending for both Ana, Skalt, and your mcs home

Basically epilogues unlock on the *best* endings just good ones aren’t always enough <3

Ahh ok I just got spoiled with my other two finished routes is what I am hearing.

I just doubled checked the requirements for Ana's epilogue and NG+ bonus, you need 90+ romance and to have a good ending for her either following the warrior path, or the wise leader path. Hope that helps <3