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I would definatly say yes... but then everyone will be like "why does he get to be coleader and not me" but i would choose, you, wattle and maybe zesty and garry. just because u guys helpped out the most. and i DONT CARE what people have against wattle. althogh he did what he did, hes one of the only reasons this code is still here (not the m8m6 thing) he spent like... hours on this code so think he would deserve it. also wattle if u see this post plsss diont do things like that again. ty

Ok, if been a leader cost problem in the future I will find a way to solve it probably… other then that, I also think wattle desserve the most this code

hm lemme help out a bit here 

1 leader

2 generals

and 3 co leaders 

and 5 lutenaints

those are the possible roles you can add aint making you do it but your choice 

leaders have the most power 

then generals then co leaders and lastly lutenaints

oh ye btw thx for the promo but i dont think i need it its not like i play the game that much well gl ig then

can i be a lutenaint then?

ask the leader i jst gave out suggestions the only power i have is to host the elections the leader has wayyy more power

ok lol

yea evertime im on, wattles basically always there