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Pandemommyum! Hot Single Moms in My Area

A ridiculous +18 comedy visual novel that just might win you over! · By Aquapaulo!

I look forward to a possible ch.4

A topic by Knightbrawler created Apr 21, 2024 Views: 1,131 Replies: 6
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For anyone considering buying this game do so it is a very good story accompanied by some very good art my only complaint is that it's a linear game but it was still very enjoyable 


Awesome to hear! Any pointers on what would be fun non-linear approaches? Like dating the characters in any order or date simulator mechanics?


maybe a system where you talk to the girls individually to gain favor or you choose to do group things to get minor favor increases from all involved just a way to make it feel more like a game than a story

I recommend the same, i posted over to monster box about the same thought. so ill repost that post over here:  
@Monsterbox //snipped the part about cosplaying poppi as that's a different topic.//  TY for the enlightenment about who is whom relating to the MonsterBox team. I went and bought the first chapter of the honey moon too, to support you guys! or your Lead, or both! I hope this franchise really goes places for you!  You should make one of those DateingSim games too! Starting as a Janitor for the club, listening to the girls hopes and gripes, and collecting little this-and-that's to help keep them happy! graduate to a pillow-fluffer if enough of them like the janitor :), or just have a relationship with whomever you woo! jealousy stuff and temptation! losing it all, for cheating with more then one per run! Endings could be like, Become the lead manager for all the girls, or player and 1 of the girls take over the management, or a marriage with happily ever after cutscene!  Those still-image chose your adventures are a bit less, strife to program for. Just need lotsa dialog! Don't put the franchise to bed! make more stuff! <3 Get Paid! :D

(3 edits) (+1)

reply to self:   
i should pan that out a bit. 

As a janitor for the club, handling this or that when told to, is good, and maybe finding a lost cell phone or fetching a fave ice-cream pop to leave in one of the mini-fridges for when a girl is done 'earning the clubs keep'.  This will build likeability and sustain the janitor as an overlooked option to the girls.  Unnoticed, but pleasant. Once established moderately for at least some of the girls.. then it can get more interesting...  

To some 'tougher' girls, Disobeying their requests.  Or, playing pranks, could get their extra special attention. negative or positive. Or just in trouble with the managerial staff..  >.>

It's important to note though,  being nice to just 1 girl along the way, in a group like that would have the rest of them gossiping, and put the girl being doted on,  into a socially allerted state.  It becomes a social pariah situation,  Sharing affections would have the other girls teasing both the girl and the janitor... 

""women like what other women want,  and when the majority of women don't want a person, instinctively the minority of women will follow the majorities lead.""  i think i miss quoted that, but i heard it said succinctly on this vid  (3 min 26 seconds in as Said by the narrator.)

 Only a rare few people would be so daring (or have ulterior motives) for stringing a person like that along.  Maybe the girl just hates the social pressure push and rebels, so Mr Janitor is just being used for her rebellion.  Or maybe a girl secretly likes him for his bravery in reaching out so desperately, but can't in good faith be seen defending him.  Maybe it will take him really being chastised and down trodden on by the other girls, before the one who he likes so much, will come to his rescue and tell the others off. This would be the 'doting' arc i guess.

The good guy arc however would continue if the player has to get known for being a little nice to all of them.  Refusing to get walked on for their bemusement.  Such as refusing to do an impossible task asked of him or a filthy one.  This shows the girl or girls in general )after they've had time to gossip), that he has a vested interest in the greater good for them.  Which gives them each a reason to fawn, and thus more reason to Claim Mr.Janitors, personal attention like a trophy over the others. 

As such Mr.Janitor has to navigate what is a legitimate interest, from a superficial interest to maintain this state.  They might have to Avoid some advances that are, Superficial from the girls who are just trying to 'get ya' for clout.  Stay true as a friend and mend Actual problems with heart felt advice. Continue to assure they have "pick me up's" after the girls hard work for the club.  Have a first aid kit ready and tend to shoe-blistered feet. Give a arm shoulder focused massage to a girl who's had her arms pulled back all day from a rough client.  Have a mocha cappuccino with whipped cream and sprinkles ready as a pick-me up for a girl who needs an energy lift.

And maybe have Mr.Janitor get yelled at by a jealous girl or two for giving these provisions to others and/or not getting one herself. 
See who will be there to comfort the Mr.Janitor for getting yelled at. and if that girl is successful at helping him feel better.

Example Poppi offers a cupcake.  its got a fire-cracker in it though and goes Boom!  Hahaha!  but if the player chooses not to have Mr.Janitor laugh with her at the cute prank, Poppi doesn't get to emotionally connect with Mr.Janitor  and janitor-moping continues till some one else has something to offer.

The Selfless Arc:  If everyone is just, kept modestly happy, and advances are refused, promotions are offered, family is emphasis, and Janitor can become manager.  Endure the struggle of one of the girls, Leaving the group to go try and live a life outside the club.  And maybe persuade one of the girls to become Wife/partner of the club.


I hope reading this huge post stirs up fun and fantastical ideas in you the devs. <3   Ideas are free and need no credit.  Go create and build something that Deserves credit for product!  we the consumers will be watching!

EDIT:    PS!   In """general""", what people Really want is the opposite of what they can get or have already.  Poppi might want a real relationship and likes just having fun joking and such because opening up and really getting involved can hurt so much that it changes and breaks who your 'trying to be'.

A hypno-Kitty might be eager to have guys slip under her spell for clout, but Earnestly, be interested more in what she cant control, and eager to find out its in her best interest. 

Some one who acts tough with guns and growling, may likely be hiding a tender innocent flower of herself inside she cant let anyone see for fear of her getting used.   

Some one who is the star of the show, and wants to be seen, might just long to retire from the stress, and be recognized and adored for who she is when -not- putting on the performance, Or... be sated with her own TV show  resulting in more of the same...

Cooking for everyone, all the time, trying hard to please the tummy..  She might want to hear the nuances of her cooking reflected back at her.. And may be actually terribly self loathing of her own body.  She might be feverous about the game of mystery'gifts left for her by an anonymous suitor.  She probably wants to know shes special too, and cooking is a safety place she can provide from.  She really needs to know shes great at so much more, and just as much of a star, if not more, in her own way.

We all tend to portray what we think we want, which often is directly referenced from if not opposed to, what we secretly yearn for most. Its an easy trope for newcomers to accept, when developing character histories/personalities in writing. 

i should ping here  to Aquapaulo!  so you see my post in reply to Knightbrawler & Aquapaulo!  I don't know if sending a reply to them sends it to Aquapaulo too or not, i just thought to keep it all 'in thread' till said only Knightbrawler would see it.  @_@


I very much agree, just finished the game (steam one) and man it has some of the best story of a nsfw game I've seen in... a long while haha. I look forward to more!