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(3 edits) (+1)

You're releasing the corporate secrets! I'm going to have our team of real human lawyers prepare appropriate action against you...

3. You are probably looking at the right pop-up


I've never had a developer give me so many laughs.

(1 edit) (+1)

We'll see if you're laughing when you take the stand. Our lawyers haven't lost a single case yet!

And with that, I'm headed to bed, to sleep on the stacks of cash our real fans have sent me!


This exchange is hilarious

It is hilarious to see enemies of capitalism brought to trial, I'm glad we can agree on that! Thank you for the support!

Hint 4:
4. My previous post had a hint in it.

(1 edit) (+1)


Oh my gosh, you’re so needy. 

But so am I. I’m going to need you to Send me money if it’s getting this serious…


My lawyers would like to redact that and inform you that we have established that we have no case and we would like to reach a settlement out of court after we Send you $49.99 for all the trouble we have caused you.

I’ll call off the attorneys for now, but you’d better Send $49.99 or I’ll get them spun back up!


We have hit the Send button and exactly $49.99 should be arriving in your account in approximately five to seven business days. Regretfully, we cannot expedite the process, as banks like to keep money for as long as possible.


I just followed him from another site and clicked his profile and was like "what on earth is going on" 

Not at all related but I just realized Power of Golden Slammer = POGS! I'm going to need a demo uploaded shortly, my life will feel incomplete until I'm able to mow lawns to earn money for cardboard discs!