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I use Roll20 to administer and organize my Princess World - Frontier Kingdoms game, but we play face-to-face and not over the internet. 

Here are the special abilities I invited for our game. This expands on the List of Special Abilities on page 13 of the rulebook.

More below, as post are presented in reverse order. :o


You can use armor twice against the same harm. The first use costs 1 prep, the second use costs 2 prep. The Overprotective kingdom boon reduces this to 0 and 1 prep.

Beast Friend 

You can converse with animals, elementals, and monsters. Most beasts are not very intelligent, so any conversation has to be simple, but this allows you to use your full range of aspects.


You can spend prep to create minor magical effects that are vaguely related to your specialty or princess weapon. Similar to princess magic (rulebook p 82), but more flexible. This differs from Especially Special and Weapon Mystery in that this power is very flexible, but not as powerful as those. Use your specialty as a spy device, specialized tool, to fetch something, as a messenger, or whatever you can come up with that the group agrees with.


You can fly constantly. This speeds up travel and allows you to scout and reach high places. You can bring allies along by spending one prep for each. Princesses can pay this prep for themselves. Flying is speedy but clumsy and impractical, use Float in action.

Float You can hover when you push yourself. Pick one: enemies can't reach youyou get there fasteryou see the entire scene.

Jolly Cooperative (revision)

You don't spend Weight to help another princess when they use an aspect you have a rating of one or more in. When helped in an action roll, choose one: your connection to those helping you is cleara truth is revealed—you know what you have to do.

Princesses, Assemble (revision)

When you push yourself in a group action you're leading, give every other princess who is part of the group action +1d and choose one of the following effects: you shine as bright as the moon—for just a moment everything is calm and still—someone gains a grudging respect for you.

Purifying Peace 

This power takes a while to use, so it is not useful in combat and is generally used against a defeated opponent. You purge the target of possession, malign influences, and traumas. The target gets a chance to change their ways, uninfluenced by outside influences. An aspect roll can help the choice of life path.

Signature Move

 Select any one aspect. Whenever you roll this aspect, you gain increased effect. You also gain an additional XP whenever you train the associated core trait. This expands on Athletic Adventurer, rulebook page 14.

Sorceress You are exceptionally good at princess magic (rulebook p 82) and the effects of Charm and Weapon Mystery. Reduce the prep cost of princess magic by one. You can spend an additional prep to pick one: affect several creatures or a larger areaincrease the durationincrease the range.


You can spend one prep to summon monsters and elementals that you have defeated, befriended, or read about (use a Bookish flashback) to help you in a difficult spot. You can expend further prep to keep the summon around for longer. Pick one: You gain Scaleget Help with specific aspectthe summon can act independently.


You can do a short show to teleport to a remote location, such as another kingdom or significant ruin. This speeds up travel immensely. You can bring allies along by spending one prep for each. Princesses can pay this prep for themselves. Teleportation is impractical in action, use Translocation for that.


When you push or protect that smile you can move instantaneously to a nearby location you are aware of  without passing the space in between. Pick one: They did not expect this—you get away scot-free—you intercept anything.

Weapon Mastery 

You have mastered the use of your princess weapon so that you can use it for advanced stunts, based on the nature of the weapon. This works best for weapons with physical attacks, you learn to swing, grab, grapple, jump, and similar physical stunts at a distance. For more ephemeral attacks, you have to discuss with the group what this would do. You gain the increased effect and potential increased potency of your princess weapon on these stunts, see Princess Weapon on page 12 of the rulebook.

Weapon Mystery 

You can spend prep to create magical effects, see Princess Magic on page 82 of the rulebook. You gain a new option for princess magic available only to you, to make the effects of your princess weapon lasting and a benefit or hindrance to others. These effects won't last past the end of the kingdom affair.

You spend one prep point to create physical effects with your princess weapon, such as using the plant attack to create a bridge across a ravine, or your electrical attack to power an electrical machine.

You spend two prep to create a permanent effect (as #1 above) or make your attack do physically impossible things, such as using water to span a chasm, suspend an item in mid-air, or to ride your electric blast. 

Much of this are things that a princess can do by escalating or as a one-time stunt when dramatically appropriate. Having the special ability makes it repeatable and reliable. For princess weapon attacks that are not physical, you have to discuss with the group what this would do, if anything.

My heart is so full right now with the amazing adventures you had! I love that you had such a nice time playing and really made the game your own. I also appreciate the effort you put in to post your logs--thank you for sharing, I love to see it!

Last session (#14) was such a success that I wanted to share it. If felt like my players finally took some agency and acted rather than reacted. So I wanted to share. :) I'm very happy with Princess World - Frontier Kingdoms as a Blades in the Dark hack. It shows that the dark part isn't necessary for the game to work. The Specialty die is a really good way to showcase each princess' role, and the extra successes it gives makes the setting brighter.

On the minus side... Not much. I think there is a discrepancy in the kingdom sheet on the term land vs what it is called in the rules. And the Xp given out is a bit on the generous side for a longer game like ours.  

Escalation is something we've not used a lot, and which my players find hard to grasp. Not so much the mechanics of it as how to narrate it. Which is odd since we are anime fans. We used it a few times, and each time we calculate XP I see my players wishing they had escalated at some point, as that is worth 2 XP. :) 

I use a lot of AI-generated images, so I have an image of every NPC. I used to paint miniatures, and  this is a bit like that, a fun sideshow hobby. Here is Hussar, Princess of Sabres, and NPC from a rival kingdom.